

Skuteczne profesjonakne czyszczenie głowic drukujących

Bęben Brother DR-2100 do drukarek Brother DCP-7030 DCP-7040 DCP-7045N HL-2140 HL-2170W MFC-7320 MFC-7440N MFC-7840W

Bęben Brother DCP-7030, Brother DCP-7040, Brother DCP-7045N, Brother HL-2140, Brother HL-2150N, Brother HL-2170W, Brother MFC-7320, Brother MFC-7440N, Brother MFC-7840W Dr-2100, Dr2100, Dr 2100, Dr2100yj1 12K

Bęben Brother Hl-2140, Hl-2150n, Hl-2170w, Hl-2070n, Mfc-7440, Mfc-7840, Mfc-7320, Mfc-78xx, Dpc-7030, Dpc-7045n zamienny 12.000 wydruków

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30 inne produkty z tej samej kategorii:

Bęben Brother Dr-2100, Dr2100, Dr 2100, Dr2100yj1 refabrykowany lub 100% nowy Drum Unit Dr-2100.

Bębny Dr-2100, Dr2100, Dr2100yj1 Lasernet do stosowania w drukarkach Brother Hl-2140, Hl-2150n, Hl-2170w, Hl-2070n, Mfc-7440, Mfc-7840, Mfc-7320, Mfc-78xx, Dpc-7030, Dpc-7045n.

 Beben optyczny Brother Dr-2100, Dr2100yj1 marki Lasernet Dr2100 współpracuje z tonerami Brother Tn-2110, Tn2110, Tn 2110, Tn-2120, Tn2120, Tn 2120.

 Obrazowy bęben Dr-2100, Dr2100 Lasernet ma wydajność 12000 stron druku w czerni.

 Gwarancja jakości i wydajnosci do zużycia.

 Drukarki i urządzenia Brother pracujące z bębnem DR-2100:
 Brother HL-2140 21PPM,
 Brother HL-2150N,
 Brother HL-2170W 21PPM,
 Brother DCP-7030,
 Brother DCP-7032E,
 Brother DCP-7040,
 Brother DCP-7045N,
 Brother MFC-7320,
 Brother MFC-7440N,
 Brother MFC-7840W,
 Brother DCP7030,
 Brother DCP7032E,
 Brother DCP7040,
 Brother DCP7045N,
 Brother HL2140,
 Brother HL2150N,
 Brother HL2170W,
 Brother MFC7320,
 Brother MFC7440N,
 Brother MFC7840W,
 Brother Hl-2140,
 Brother Hl-2150n,
 Brother Hl-2170w,
 Brother Dcp-7030,
 Brother Dcp-7045n,
 Brother Mfc-7320,
 Brother Mfc-7440n,
 Brother Mfc-7840w.

 Dostępność oferowanego produktu od ręki, lub w przypadku braku maksymalnie 1 dzień roboczy.

Średnia ocena

2013-10-15 Jonathan. I converted to a Bro I converted to a Brother morcohnome laser printer a few months ago after years of frustration with another brand's all-in-one printer that consumed huge amounts of color ink even though I printed everything in black and white. The toner cartridge that came with the Brother laser unit ran out quickly, as I was warned, and it took a while to figure out how to replace the cartridge the first time around but now it's easy. I've got the printer set for 300 dpi (and for text instead of graphics) to maximize my yield. Like others, I started to get a low toner warning around 1500 copies and if it weren't for seeing other Amazon reviews for other Brother cartridges, I might have changed the cartridge shortly after getting the first warning. Having read the other reviews, however, I removed the existing cartridge, shook it a bit to assure the remaining toner was well distributed, ran the carona wire back and forth a couple of times and returned the printer to regular use. So far, I've printed over 1200 additional pages since the first warning and everything is still printing fine, with no lines or other problems that come when the toner actually is low. I'm watching to see how much longer the old cartridge will work, but wow, the other reviewers definitely helped by warning of this problem. It's something Brother ought to correct. By the way, I didn't put tape over the holes as others have suggested since I don't want any complications from that, although may do so the next time around. As an additional note, unless Amazon has fixed the problem, ignore some of their drop down menus when selecting the right cartridge for the right Brother unit. They say the TN 450 isn't correct for a Brother HL2270DW when in fact it is.

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